Wednesday, January 21, 2009

In a 2001 interview Phillip Nitschke says "My personal position is that if we believe that there is a right to life, then we must accept that people have a right to dispose of that life whenever they want ... So all people qualify, not just those with the training, knowledge, or resources to find out how to "give away" their life. And someone needs to provide this knowledge, training, or resource necessary to anyone who wants it, including the depressed, the elderly bereaved, [and] the troubled teen."

I do not think that a person should be able to kill them self just because they are unhappy or having a bad day. Life is full of ups and downs and if everybody killed themself when they had a problem, instead of figuring out how to fix it, the human race would be extinct. I think people who are suffering from aganising pain that can not be fixed should be the only ones that should be able to turn to this alternitive.

Mostly everybody was upset or angry at the world when they were teens. A major part of life is getting over that and learning from the mistakes you made when you were young, not going out and and being selfish and killing yourself.


  1. I agree that a person should not kill themselves because they are "unhappy or having a bad day". Unfortunately I disagree with the fact that there should be no assisted suicide. If someone wants to kill themselves bad enough then that person is going to off themselves regardless. Not every ones minds can be changed by professional help. Some people in this world do not change their mind after they have decided to do something. So if there is assisted suicide then they will go less painfully.
    Have you ever thought that maybe not everyone sees killing yourself as selfish. Maybe just maybe someones life can be unbearable and the only way out is suicide.
    As well as, what if a person is willing to kill themselves for another to survive? What if you were a parent and your kid needed a heart transplant to survive and will not live long enough to wait on the waiting list? If by chance your bone marrow and blood typed matched your kids, would you not be willing to kill yourself for your own child's survival? So therefore you would want assisted suicide to make the process less painful.

  2. Although you make a valid arguement about people giving up when times get hard, I disagree with them not being able to off themselves when they want. Some life experiences effect others in different ways. Just because most people deal with it, doesnt mean others can cope with it as easy. Ultimately causeing very serious metal problems. Besides, if someone feels strong enough to actually kill themselves, it would be better to do in a doctors office, rather than a barrel in the mouth or rope around the neck. Further more, whos right is it to say what people can and can't do with thier life and in this case death. If it is not suicide, it will be a lifetime of crack addiction, or worse.

  3. I disagree with what you said about how only "people who are suffering from agonizing pain that cannot be fixed should be the only ones that should be able to turn to this alternative." Can you define agonizing pain? Maybe agonizing pain to one person is only physical or emotional discomfort to another. Each gender has a limit to physical and/or emotional pain.
    Females in general are very timid towards pain, while males are generally more apt to taking pain or discomfort. How do you know what level of pain they are on? How much discomfort they have? Are you trying to play God and determine who lives or dies by how much pain they are experiencing?
    Everyone has a right to choose how much pain they can endure, how they handle it, and what is being done to prevent it. Everyones definition of "agonizing pain" is different, there is no set standard.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I am strongly opposed to this blog, In my opinion,there is a wide range of pain a person can be in, also there can be a number of reasons for this. For example, pain can come in a wide variety of ways, such as emontional, physical, mental, spirituly, and so on. One person pain cannot be compaired to anothers, such as cancer patents experiences different pain then someone whose lost a loved one. Therefore how can anyone other the person in pain really know what true pain to that person is. So when researching or writing articles, one my ask themselves the following questions...What is pain meant to the subject in which you maybe refering to? Also one may ask what might have brought that person to feel such pain? So the final question remaining would be what is the true defination of the word PAIN.... So I believe that everyone has the right to decide for themselves just how much pain and what type of pain they can withstand in the own lifetime..

  6. I agree that people shouldnt be able to just kill themselves whenever they feel like things are getting tough or when they are depressed and unhappy, but i disagree with u saying that the only people that should be able to that is people who is in aganising pain. because i feel that shouldnt no one be able to kill themselves not even when u in that much pain because then somebody will use them being in pain as an excuse. Also i beleive in that everybody has there time and it shouldnt be determine by just when he or she is ready 2 leave..
